

I recently stumbled across a thread on LinkedIn which started with the querulous claim:

Do you know any trading system that generates more than $20,000/month profit?

accompanied by a suspiciously familiar looking equity curve:

More on Ray the Random Robot Reborn

Filed under Trading Systems by  #


Ray Robot II and I have just been called a variety of names over on a LinkedIn thread started by Marcos López de Prado and entitled "Pseudo-Mathematics and Financial Charlatanism". As best as I can work out Guy Fleury has suffered a total sense of humour failure, and his view can be summarised as:

More on Avoiding Overfitting Ray Robot II

Filed under Trading Systems by  #


I've just found myself engaged in an interesting conversation over at LinkedIn concerning the oft posed question that:

There appears to be a high variance for order throughput times [when using] QuickFIX[/J]

The LMAX multilateral trading facility is written 100% in Java, and here's a presentation that I attended last year given by their then chief technology officer Martin Thompson:

More on Is QuickFIX/J Broken?

Filed under Trading Platforms by  #