Betfair Group PLC made an announcement today via the London Stock Exchange's Regulatory News Service revealing their preliminary results for the year to April 30th 2012. They headlined with the opinion that:

More on LMAX Looking Better as Betfair Reports Results

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I've just found myself engaged in an interesting conversation over at LinkedIn concerning the oft posed question that:

There appears to be a high variance for order throughput times [when using] QuickFIX[/J]

The LMAX multilateral trading facility is written 100% in Java, and here's a presentation that I attended last year given by their then chief technology officer Martin Thompson:

More on Is QuickFIX/J Broken?

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A mere two and half years after it was first released for public testing it is now possible to trade live on MetaTrader 5 using an FSA regulated broker. Today Alpari announced that:

More on Alpari MetaTrader 5 Goes Live At Last

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Earlier this week LMAX (who have now started to refer to themselves as LMAX Exchange instead of LMAX Trader) quietly started allowing existing customers to trade on their multilateral trading facility using MetaTrader 4, but they're not advertising that fact!

More on LMAX Soft Launch MetaTrader 4

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If you've been a retail FX trader for a while, and you've got a sneaky suspicion somewhere in your subconscious (SSSS for short) that MetaTrader 4 is possibly not the best tool for the job of "FX trading for a living" then the headline above should already have caused you to have taken your eyes off your multiple screens because you've fallen off your swivel chair with the excitement of it all.  This is how LMAX "soft launched" the Multicharts platform for their multi-lateral trading facility (MTF for short) last week:

More on LMAX Launch MultiCharts (In Beta!)

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Yesterday I spoke with both Robin Osmond and Martyn Holman, CEO and COO respectively of LMAX, about the launch earlier this week of LMAX Trader and their future plans for both the LMAX multilateral trading facility and the LMAX Trader retail trading platform.

More on LMAX is a Platform for Committed Traders Only

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Now that yesterday's excitement has died down a bit I had a chance this morning to chat to LMAX in greater detail about their new retail trading platform, recently christened LMAX Trader.

More on LMAX Trader Lets You "Make Your Own Market"?

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First there was Betfair. Then came Tradefair. Today there is LMAX Trader, which has just been launched amid a flurry of publicity, it's mission "to transform retail contracts for difference (CFD) and FX trading". In the press release LMAX chief executive Robin Osmond is quoted as saying:

More on LMAX Trader Launched to "Transform Retail FX Trading"

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