Michael Greenberg


Michael Greenberg posted an article over on ForexMagnates.com earlier today stating that:

MIG Bank – due to their bank status they will be able to accept US clients despite latest CFTC rules. The situation is not very clear for all offshore brokers now but MIG Bank were the first to announce publicly that they will be accepting US clients at least until July 2011.

I've been on the phone to Switzerland most of today trying to get confirmation of this report. I've even sent a few emails to MIG also, but I have yet to receive from them any clarification or confirmation of Michael's report.

More on Swiss Banks to Accept US Clients After CFTC Deadline?

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When I started writing this blog in the Spring of 2009 I put forward the proposition that thanks to the advent of the internet and online retail forex brokers it had become possible for anyone possessing an entrepreneurial spirit, and prepared to put in the required effort over a number of years, to learn how to turn $1000 that they were willing and able to lose into a business that could support their family and themselves. I didn't say it was easy, but I did suggest it was possible. All that is about to change. It never was easy, and it looks like it's going to get ten times more difficult, for US citizens at least.

More on The American Dream Moves Offshore?

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