Our MetaTrader 4 Spread Betting Live Test Suffers Some Delays


Ray Robot II™ has been automatically spreadbetting on four different accounts for 3 days now, two of which are live accounts with real money in them, and two of which are solely for demonstration purposes. The trades themselves have been fairly uneventful so far, although I'm sure much more excitement is waiting just around the corner! Today the live and demo accounts at both GKFX and Alpari UK all suffered their third 10 pip loss in a row. They all shorted GBP/USD just below the previous day's low yet again, and they all lost once more. Some sort of a pattern does seem to be developing however. Just like yesterday, it took longer for Ray's stop loss to get taken out at GKFX than it did at Alpari UK. 6 minutes at GKFX versus 5 mins at Alpari UK on this morning's trade.

There is some rather more interesting news to report however! To alleviate the boredom engendered by continuous repetition of one small losing trade per day we loaded our GuruLogger™ indicator on all four test accounts yesterday. This morning three of Ray's MetaTrader accounts had logged nothing of interest. However the live GKFX spread bet account was showing a number of alerts relating to delayed prices:

Delayed quotes overnight on a live GKFX MT4 spread bet account

Delayed quotes overnight on a live GKFX MT4 spread bet account

Note that all four instances of MetaTrader 4 used in this test are running on the very same UK based virtual private server, and GuruLogger™ is set to report any delays it spots over 3 seconds. Note also that whilst these are the first such delays we have observed during this particular test, we very much doubt they will be the last ones, or indeed the biggest ones!

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