Forex MegaDroid Backtest Results for 2009


The Forex MegaDroid commercial MetaTrader 4 expert advisor was launched on March 30th 2009.  As is so often the case in these circumstances the sales page included an impressive set of backtest results supposedly proving that the robot possessed new "artificial intelligence" technology which allowed it to predict "the immediate future with 95.82% accuracy".

After lots of trials and tribulations we eventually found a set of historical data and EA input settings that allowed us to reproduce the first 75 trades in the so called "Live Updates" shown on the Forex MegaDroid website.  For educational purposes only we have reproduced those results in full below. We will keep this page updated once a month or so, so that we can all keep track of the divergences between the Trading Gurus backtests and those of the Forex MegaDroid team.

Here are the full backtest results that the FXDD branded MetaTrader 4.00 build 224 strategy tester produced for us for the period Jan 1st 2009 to July 4th 2009, using historical data downloaded on July 5th 2009:

Strategy Tester Report
FXDD-MT4 Demo Server 2 (Build 224)
Symbol EURUSD (Euro vs. United States Dollar)
Period 1 Minute (M1) 2009.01.02 08:01 – 2009.07.03 23:59 (2009.01.01 – 2009.07.05)
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Parameters Version="1.11"; _1="System Parameters"; Stealth=true;
GmtOffset=3; AutoGmtOffset=false;
S1_Reference=77777773; S2_Reference=33333337; ReceiptCode=""; _2="Comment Position"; TopPadding=1; LeftPadding=30; _3="Strategy Parameters"; Slippage=3; SendEmails=false;
_4="Order Management"; LotSize=0.1; _5="Ratio Order Management"; RiskLevel=0.3403; RecoveryMode=true;
Bars in test 184777 Ticks modelled 6294633 Modelling quality 25.00%
Mismatched charts errors 0
Initial deposit 10000.00
Total net profit 95143.14 Gross profit 130147.34 Gross loss -35004.20
Profit factor 3.72 Expected payoff 761.15
Absolute drawdown 1668.50 Maximal drawdown 21336.40 (25.00%) Relative drawdown 35.09% (15429.70)
Total trades 125 Short positions (won %) 59 (93.22%) Long positions (won %) 66 (96.97%)
Profit trades (% of total) 119 (95.20%) Loss trades (% of total) 6 (4.80%)
Largest profit trade 4887.00 loss trade -10223.60
Average profit trade 1093.68 loss trade -5834.03
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 42 (16959.90) consecutive losses (loss in money) 2 (-16783.60)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 43646.34 (32) consecutive loss (count of losses) -16783.60 (2)
Average consecutive wins 24 consecutive losses 2

Forex MegaDroid Backtest Results for 2009

# Time Type Order Size Price S / L T / P Profit Balance
1 2009.01.06 00:15 sell 1 2.51 1.3600 1.3752 1.3550
2 2009.01.06 01:00 sell 2 1.83 1.3637 1.3786 1.3577
3 2009.01.06 01:40 close 2 1.83 1.3622 1.3786 1.3577 274.50 10274.50
4 2009.01.06 01:57 sell 3 1.90 1.3637 1.3786 1.3577
5 2009.01.06 03:05 close 3 1.90 1.3622 1.3786 1.3577 285.00 10559.50
6 2009.01.06 03:46 close 1 2.51 1.3599 1.3752 1.3550 25.10 10584.60
7 2009.01.07 01:00 sell 4 2.67 1.3535 1.3682 1.3475
8 2009.01.07 01:04 sell 5 2.21 1.3533 1.3621 1.3483
9 2009.01.07 01:12 close 5 2.21 1.3523 1.3621 1.3483 221.00 10805.60
10 2009.01.07 01:15 close 4 2.67 1.3520 1.3682 1.3475 400.50 11206.10
11 2009.01.07 01:26 buy 6 2.83 1.3502 1.3350 1.3552
12 2009.01.07 01:50 close 6 2.83 1.3513 1.3350 1.3552 311.30 11517.40
13 2009.01.08 00:51 sell 7 2.88 1.3655 1.3747 1.3605
14 2009.01.08 00:59 close 7 2.88 1.3645 1.3747 1.3605 288.00 11805.40
15 2009.01.08 01:21 sell 8 2.95 1.3660 1.3746 1.3610
16 2009.01.08 01:21 sell 9 2.41 1.3663 1.3809 1.3603
17 2009.01.08 02:11 close 8 2.95 1.3648 1.3746 1.3610 354.00 12159.40
18 2009.01.08 02:11 close 9 2.41 1.3648 1.3809 1.3603 361.50 12520.90
19 2009.01.09 00:33 buy 10 3.12 1.3698 1.3546 1.3748
20 2009.01.09 00:51 close 10 3.12 1.3708 1.3546 1.3748 312.00 12832.90
21 2009.01.09 01:04 buy 11 3.20 1.3690 1.3538 1.3740
22 2009.01.09 01:12 close 11 3.20 1.3700 1.3538 1.3740 320.00 13152.90
23 2009.01.13 00:37 buy 12 3.36 1.3358 1.3289 1.3408
24 2009.01.13 00:50 close 12 3.36 1.3369 1.3289 1.3408 369.60 13522.50
25 2009.01.13 01:01 buy 13 3.45 1.3356 1.3240 1.3416
26 2009.01.13 01:33 close 13 3.45 1.3371 1.3240 1.3416 517.50 14040.00
27 2009.01.15 00:29 sell 14 3.63 1.3175 1.3327 1.3125
28 2009.01.15 01:55 close 14 3.63 1.3174 1.3327 1.3125 36.30 14076.30
29 2009.01.15 01:58 buy 15 3.64 1.3165 1.3092 1.3215
30 2009.01.15 02:05 close 15 3.64 1.3176 1.3092 1.3215 400.40 14476.70
31 2009.01.16 00:49 buy 16 3.76 1.3128 1.3025 1.3178
32 2009.01.16 01:00 buy 17 2.96 1.3113 1.2974 1.3173
33 2009.01.16 01:09 close 17 2.96 1.3128 1.2974 1.3173 444.00 14920.70
34 2009.01.16 01:48 close 16 3.76 1.3138 1.3025 1.3178 376.00 15296.70
35 2009.01.20 01:18 buy 18 3.99 1.3065 1.2913 1.3125
36 2009.01.20 02:29 close 18 3.99 1.3080 1.2913 1.3125 598.50 15895.20
37 2009.01.21 00:06 buy 19 4.21 1.2865 1.2833 1.2915
38 2009.01.21 00:11 close 19 4.21 1.2875 1.2833 1.2915 421.00 16316.20
39 2009.01.21 00:52 sell 20 4.31 1.2908 1.3060 1.2858
40 2009.01.21 01:01 close 20 4.31 1.2898 1.3060 1.2858 431.00 16747.20
41 2009.01.21 01:05 buy 21 4.43 1.2872 1.2840 1.2922
42 2009.01.21 01:34 buy 22 3.55 1.2863 1.2764 1.2923
43 2009.01.21 02:30 close 21 4.43 1.2879 1.2840 1.2922 310.10 17057.30
44 2009.01.21 02:30 close 22 3.55 1.2879 1.2764 1.2923 568.00 17625.30
45 2009.01.23 01:14 sell 23 4.61 1.3016 1.3082 1.2966
46 2009.01.23 01:23 close 23 4.61 1.3006 1.3082 1.2966 461.00 18086.30
47 2009.01.23 01:56 sell 24 4.73 1.3020 1.3083 1.2970
48 2009.01.23 02:15 close 24 4.73 1.3008 1.3083 1.2970 567.60 18653.90
49 2009.01.27 01:11 sell 25 4.81 1.3203 1.3355 1.3143
50 2009.01.27 02:18 close 25 4.81 1.3188 1.3355 1.3143 721.50 19375.40
51 2009.01.28 00:18 buy 26 5.01 1.3173 1.3118 1.3223
52 2009.01.28 01:23 close 26 5.01 1.3179 1.3118 1.3223 300.60 19676.00
53 2009.01.28 01:28 sell 27 5.08 1.3185 1.3328 1.3135
54 2009.01.28 03:50 close 27 5.08 1.3184 1.3328 1.3135 50.80 19726.80
55 2009.01.29 00:33 sell 28 5.11 1.3156 1.3308 1.3106
56 2009.01.29 01:47 close 28 5.11 1.3154 1.3308 1.3106 102.20 19829.00
57 2009.01.29 01:54 buy 29 5.14 1.3145 1.3101 1.3195
58 2009.01.29 02:09 close 29 5.14 1.3155 1.3101 1.3195 514.00 20343.00
59 2009.02.03 01:04 buy 30 5.40 1.2833 1.2706 1.2883
60 2009.02.03 03:34 close 30 5.40 1.2834 1.2706 1.2883 54.00 20397.00
61 2009.02.04 01:35 buy 31 5.33 1.3024 1.2872 1.3074
62 2009.02.04 02:26 close 31 5.33 1.3034 1.2872 1.3074 533.00 20930.00
63 2009.02.05 00:14 buy 32 5.55 1.2837 1.2805 1.2887
64 2009.02.05 00:37 close 32 5.55 1.2847 1.2805 1.2887 555.00 21485.00
65 2009.02.05 01:53 buy 33 5.70 1.2835 1.2803 1.2885
66 2009.02.05 01:54 buy 34 4.60 1.2828 1.2745 1.2888
67 2009.02.05 02:20 close 34 4.60 1.2843 1.2745 1.2888 690.00 22175.00
68 2009.02.05 02:23 close 33 5.70 1.2845 1.2803 1.2885 570.00 22745.00
69 2009.02.06 01:38 buy 35 6.06 1.2781 1.2654 1.2841
70 2009.02.06 02:10 close 35 6.06 1.2796 1.2654 1.2841 909.00 23654.00
71 2009.02.10 00:55 buy 36 6.19 1.3005 1.2873 1.3055
72 2009.02.10 01:16 buy 37 4.95 1.2995 1.2932 1.3055
73 2009.02.10 01:19 close 37 4.95 1.3012 1.2932 1.3055 841.50 24495.50
74 2009.02.10 01:49 buy 38 5.12 1.2992 1.2916 1.3052
75 2009.02.10 02:22 close 36 6.19 1.3006 1.2873 1.3055 61.90 24557.40
76 2009.02.10 02:22 close 38 5.12 1.3007 1.2916 1.3052 768.00 25325.40
77 2009.02.11 00:46 sell 39 6.68 1.2913 1.3065 1.2863
78 2009.02.11 01:02 close 39 6.68 1.2902 1.3065 1.2863 734.80 26060.20
79 2009.02.12 00:53 sell 40 6.87 1.2908 1.2997 1.2858
80 2009.02.12 01:17 close 40 6.87 1.2898 1.2997 1.2858 687.00 26747.20
81 2009.02.12 01:32 buy 41 7.07 1.2885 1.2831 1.2935
82 2009.02.12 03:37 close 41 7.07 1.2886 1.2831 1.2935 70.70 26817.90
83 2009.02.13 00:09 sell 42 7.10 1.2861 1.2943 1.2811
84 2009.02.13 01:12 sell 43 5.66 1.2871 1.3023 1.2811
85 2009.02.13 02:41 close 42 7.10 1.2859 1.2943 1.2811 142.00 26959.90
86 2009.02.13 13:12 close 43 5.66 1.2885 1.3023 1.2811 -792.40 26167.50
87 2009.02.17 00:01 sell 44 13.94 1.2783 1.2826 1.2733
88 2009.02.17 00:29 close 44 13.94 1.2773 1.2826 1.2733 1394.00 27561.50
89 2009.02.17 00:40 sell 45 7.34 1.2786 1.2826 1.2736
90 2009.02.17 02:33 close 45 7.34 1.2785 1.2826 1.2736 73.40 27634.90
91 2009.02.18 00:18 buy 46 7.48 1.2590 1.2558 1.2640
92 2009.02.18 00:25 close 46 7.48 1.2600 1.2558 1.2640 748.00 28382.90
93 2009.02.18 00:48 buy 47 7.68 1.2585 1.2553 1.2635
94 2009.02.18 01:01 buy 48 6.21 1.2579 1.2474 1.2639
95 2009.02.18 02:48 close 47 7.68 1.2586 1.2553 1.2635 76.80 28459.70
96 2009.02.18 03:01 close 48 6.21 1.2595 1.2474 1.2639 993.60 29453.30
97 2009.02.19 00:30 buy 49 8.00 1.2534 1.2502 1.2584
98 2009.02.19 01:08 buy 50 6.45 1.2527 1.2445 1.2587
99 2009.02.19 01:13 close 50 6.45 1.2542 1.2445 1.2587 967.50 30420.80
100 2009.02.19 01:14 close 49 8.00 1.2544 1.2502 1.2584 800.00 31220.80
101 2009.02.20 00:00 buy 51 8.40 1.2659 1.2563 1.2709
102 2009.02.20 00:29 close 51 8.40 1.2670 1.2563 1.2709 924.00 32144.80
103 2009.02.20 01:49 sell 52 8.63 1.2683 1.2760 1.2633
104 2009.02.20 01:49 sell 53 6.95 1.2690 1.2770 1.2630
105 2009.02.20 02:23 close 53 6.95 1.2675 1.2770 1.2630 1042.50 33187.30
106 2009.02.20 02:24 close 52 8.63 1.2669 1.2760 1.2633 1208.20 34395.50
107 2009.02.25 01:18 sell 54 9.11 1.2859 1.2891 1.2809
108 2009.02.25 01:21 close 54 9.11 1.2849 1.2891 1.2809 911.00 35306.50
109 2009.02.25 01:30 sell 55 9.34 1.2869 1.2947 1.2809
110 2009.02.25 01:34 close 55 9.34 1.2854 1.2947 1.2809 1401.00 36707.50
111 2009.02.25 01:42 sell 56 9.72 1.2861 1.2893 1.2811
112 2009.02.25 01:56 sell 57 7.75 1.2871 1.2953 1.2811
113 2009.02.25 03:02 close 56 9.72 1.2860 1.2893 1.2811 97.20 36804.70
114 2009.02.25 03:04 close 57 7.75 1.2856 1.2953 1.2811 1162.50 37967.20
115 2009.02.26 00:00 buy 58 10.17 1.2714 1.2682 1.2764
116 2009.02.26 00:59 close 58 10.17 1.2724 1.2682 1.2764 1017.00 38984.20
117 2009.02.26 01:11 sell 59 10.42 1.2734 1.2886 1.2684
118 2009.02.26 01:23 close 59 10.42 1.2724 1.2886 1.2684 1042.00 40026.20
119 2009.03.03 01:01 buy 60 10.84 1.2567 1.2535 1.2617
120 2009.03.03 01:03 close 60 10.84 1.2577 1.2535 1.2617 1084.00 41110.20
121 2009.03.03 01:09 buy 61 11.14 1.2565 1.2485 1.2625
122 2009.03.03 04:16 close 61 11.14 1.2580 1.2485 1.2625 1671.00 42781.20
123 2009.03.04 00:38 buy 62 11.60 1.2558 1.2520 1.2608
124 2009.03.04 01:14 buy 63 9.38 1.2552 1.2463 1.2612
125 2009.03.04 03:34 s/l 62 11.60 1.2520 1.2520 1.2608 -4408.00 38373.20
126 2009.03.04 03:47 s/l 63 9.38 1.2463 1.2463 1.2612 -8348.20 30025.00
127 2009.03.05 01:00 sell 64 16.16 1.2659 1.2691 1.2609
128 2009.03.05 01:23 sell 65 10.13 1.2663 1.2748 1.2603
129 2009.03.05 01:55 close 64 16.16 1.2648 1.2691 1.2609 1777.60 31802.60
130 2009.03.05 01:55 close 65 10.13 1.2648 1.2748 1.2603 1519.50 33322.10
131 2009.03.06 01:39 buy 66 18.10 1.2531 1.2480 1.2581
132 2009.03.06 01:47 close 66 18.10 1.2541 1.2480 1.2581 1810.00 35132.10
133 2009.03.10 01:20 buy 67 19.00 1.2594 1.2554 1.2644
134 2009.03.10 01:23 buy 68 12.12 1.2592 1.2541 1.2652
135 2009.03.10 02:22 close 67 19.00 1.2599 1.2554 1.2644 950.00 36082.10
136 2009.03.10 02:41 close 68 12.12 1.2607 1.2541 1.2652 1818.00 37900.10
137 2009.03.11 01:27 sell 69 20.34 1.2692 1.2822 1.2642
138 2009.03.11 04:26 close 69 20.34 1.2691 1.2822 1.2642 203.40 38103.50
139 2009.03.12 01:54 buy 70 20.25 1.2825 1.2673 1.2875
140 2009.03.12 03:19 close 70 20.25 1.2826 1.2673 1.2875 202.50 38306.00
141 2009.03.13 00:59 buy 71 20.22 1.2900 1.2748 1.2950
142 2009.03.13 01:04 close 71 20.22 1.2910 1.2748 1.2950 2022.00 40328.00
143 2009.03.17 00:38 sell 72 21.14 1.2984 1.3071 1.2934
144 2009.03.17 00:50 close 72 21.14 1.2974 1.3071 1.2934 2114.00 42442.00
145 2009.03.17 01:54 buy 73 22.30 1.2964 1.2866 1.3014
146 2009.03.17 02:26 close 73 22.30 1.2974 1.2866 1.3014 2230.00 44672.00
147 2009.03.18 01:15 sell 74 11.68 1.3021 1.3061 1.2961
148 2009.03.18 01:19 sell 75 9.47 1.3026 1.3058 1.2976
149 2009.03.18 03:06 close 75 9.47 1.3025 1.3058 1.2976 94.70 44766.70
150 2009.03.18 09:38 s/l 74 11.68 1.3061 1.3061 1.2961 -4672.00 40094.70
151 2009.03.20 01:57 buy 76 20.00 1.3655 1.3503 1.3705
152 2009.03.20 02:59 close 76 20.00 1.3665 1.3503 1.3705 2000.00 42094.70
153 2009.03.24 00:39 buy 77 21.04 1.3623 1.3484 1.3673
154 2009.03.24 02:05 close 77 21.04 1.3624 1.3484 1.3673 210.40 42305.10
155 2009.03.25 01:33 sell 78 21.36 1.3481 1.3633 1.3431
156 2009.03.25 02:33 close 78 21.36 1.3479 1.3633 1.3431 427.20 42732.30
157 2009.03.27 00:01 sell 79 21.50 1.3528 1.3640 1.3478
158 2009.03.27 01:45 close 79 21.50 1.3525 1.3640 1.3478 645.00 43377.30
159 2009.04.02 01:09 sell 80 22.30 1.3247 1.3286 1.3197
160 2009.04.02 01:46 close 80 22.30 1.3237 1.3286 1.3197 2230.00 45607.30
161 2009.04.07 00:37 buy 81 11.59 1.3398 1.3357 1.3448
162 2009.04.07 01:12 buy 82 9.39 1.3392 1.3322 1.3452
163 2009.04.07 01:48 close 81 11.59 1.3402 1.3357 1.3448 463.60 46070.90
164 2009.04.07 02:03 close 82 9.39 1.3407 1.3322 1.3452 1408.50 47479.40
165 2009.04.08 01:32 sell 83 12.17 1.3279 1.3314 1.3219
166 2009.04.08 01:32 sell 84 10.01 1.3280 1.3397 1.3230
167 2009.04.08 01:53 close 84 10.01 1.3270 1.3397 1.3230 1001.00 48480.40
168 2009.04.08 01:59 sell 85 10.26 1.3280 1.3397 1.3230
169 2009.04.08 02:17 close 85 10.26 1.3270 1.3397 1.3230 1026.00 49506.40
170 2009.04.08 03:01 close 83 12.17 1.3264 1.3314 1.3219 1825.50 51331.90
171 2009.04.09 01:20 buy 86 13.18 1.3257 1.3147 1.3307
172 2009.04.09 01:35 close 86 13.18 1.3267 1.3147 1.3307 1318.00 52649.90
173 2009.04.09 01:58 buy 87 13.53 1.3252 1.3147 1.3302
174 2009.04.09 03:12 close 87 13.53 1.3255 1.3147 1.3302 405.90 53055.80
175 2009.04.15 00:44 sell 88 13.61 1.3272 1.3366 1.3222
176 2009.04.15 00:49 close 88 13.61 1.3262 1.3366 1.3222 1361.00 54416.80
177 2009.04.15 01:59 sell 89 13.96 1.3273 1.3366 1.3223
178 2009.04.15 02:24 close 89 13.96 1.32631 1.3366 1.3223 1382.04 55798.84
179 2009.04.16 01:05 buy 90 14.38 1.3210 1.3146 1.3260
180 2009.04.16 01:22 close 90 14.38 1.3220 1.3146 1.3260 1438.00 57236.84
181 2009.04.22 01:59 buy 91 15.07 1.2932 1.2891 1.2992
182 2009.04.22 01:59 buy 92 12.35 1.2930 1.2896 1.2980
183 2009.04.22 02:09 close 92 12.35 1.2940 1.2896 1.2980 1235.00 58471.84
184 2009.04.22 02:18 close 91 15.07 1.2947 1.2891 1.2992 2260.50 60732.34
185 2009.04.23 01:54 sell 93 15.89 1.3006 1.3038 1.2946
186 2009.04.23 03:56 close 93 15.89 1.2991 1.3038 1.2946 2383.50 63115.84
187 2009.04.24 00:59 buy 94 16.36 1.3134 1.2982 1.3184
188 2009.04.24 01:18 close 94 16.36 1.3144 1.2982 1.3184 1636.00 64751.84
189 2009.04.28 00:22 buy 95 16.93 1.3018 1.2986 1.3068
190 2009.04.28 01:22 close 95 16.93 1.3027 1.2986 1.3068 1523.70 66275.54
191 2009.04.29 01:05 buy 96 17.18 1.3134 1.2982 1.3184
192 2009.04.29 01:19 close 96 17.18 1.3144 1.2982 1.3184 1718.00 67993.54
193 2009.04.29 01:48 buy 97 17.63 1.3129 1.2977 1.3179
194 2009.04.29 02:55 close 97 17.63 1.3134 1.2977 1.3179 881.50 68875.04
195 2009.05.05 01:15 sell 98 17.47 1.3418 1.3507 1.3358
196 2009.05.05 03:38 close 98 17.47 1.3403 1.3507 1.3358 2620.50 71495.54
197 2009.05.06 00:15 buy 99 18.28 1.3315 1.3282 1.3365
198 2009.05.06 01:30 close 99 18.28 1.3317 1.3282 1.3365 365.60 71861.14
199 2009.05.07 00:15 buy 100 18.37 1.3319 1.3245 1.3369
200 2009.05.07 01:30 buy 101 14.41 1.3303 1.3231 1.3363
201 2009.05.07 02:18 close 101 14.41 1.3318 1.3231 1.3363 2161.50 74022.64
202 2009.05.07 05:02 close 100 18.37 1.3320 1.3245 1.3369 183.70 74206.34
203 2009.05.08 00:03 sell 102 18.86 1.3393 1.3469 1.3343
204 2009.05.08 01:03 close 102 18.86 1.3389 1.3469 1.3343 754.40 74960.74
205 2009.05.13 00:00 sell 103 18.69 1.3651 1.3707 1.3601
206 2009.05.13 01:07 close 103 18.69 1.3642 1.3707 1.3601 1682.10 76642.84
207 2009.05.14 01:06 buy 104 19.21 1.3584 1.3552 1.3634
208 2009.05.14 01:11 close 104 19.21 1.3594 1.3552 1.3634 1921.00 78563.84
209 2009.05.14 01:55 buy 105 19.69 1.3581 1.3549 1.3631
210 2009.05.14 01:59 close 105 19.69 1.3591 1.3549 1.3631 1969.00 80532.84
211 2009.05.20 00:15 buy 106 20.12 1.3626 1.3530 1.3676
212 2009.05.20 01:27 close 106 20.12 1.3632 1.3530 1.3676 1207.20 81740.04
213 2009.05.22 00:16 sell 107 20.01 1.3906 1.3938 1.3856
214 2009.05.22 00:25 close 107 20.01 1.3896 1.3938 1.3856 2001.00 83741.04
215 2009.05.22 00:58 sell 108 20.50 1.3905 1.3937 1.3855
216 2009.05.22 01:28 sell 109 16.76 1.3908 1.3969 1.3848
217 2009.05.22 02:58 s/l 108 20.50 1.3937 1.3937 1.3855 -6560.00 77181.04
218 2009.05.22 09:38 s/l 109 16.76 1.3969 1.3969 1.3848 -10223.60 66957.44
219 2009.05.27 01:04 sell 110 32.58 1.3993 1.4036 1.3933
220 2009.05.27 03:49 close 110 32.58 1.3978 1.4036 1.3933 4887.00 71844.44
221 2009.06.02 00:17 sell 111 34.53 1.4165 1.4246 1.4115
222 2009.06.02 00:41 close 111 34.53 1.4155 1.4246 1.4115 3453.00 75297.44
223 2009.06.03 00:00 buy 112 35.85 1.4303 1.4151 1.4353
224 2009.06.03 01:11 close 112 35.85 1.4309 1.4151 1.4353 2151.00 77448.44
225 2009.06.04 00:49 buy 113 37.28 1.4143 1.4109 1.4193
226 2009.06.04 01:44 close 113 37.28 1.4153 1.4109 1.4193 3728.00 81176.44
227 2009.06.05 00:12 sell 114 38.92 1.4196 1.4240 1.4146
228 2009.06.05 00:24 close 114 38.92 1.4186 1.4240 1.4146 3892.00 85068.44
229 2009.06.09 01:17 sell 115 20.81 1.3911 1.4002 1.3861
230 2009.06.09 01:21 close 115 20.81 1.3901 1.4002 1.3861 2081.00 87149.44
231 2009.06.09 01:30 sell 116 21.32 1.3913 1.4002 1.3863
232 2009.06.09 01:51 close 116 21.32 1.3903 1.4002 1.3863 2132.00 89281.44
233 2009.06.10 01:10 sell 117 21.58 1.4079 1.4111 1.4029
234 2009.06.10 01:31 close 117 21.58 1.4069 1.4111 1.4029 2158.00 91439.44
235 2009.06.11 00:09 buy 118 22.28 1.3970 1.3914 1.4020
236 2009.06.11 00:25 close 118 22.28 1.3980 1.3914 1.4020 2228.00 93667.44
237 2009.06.11 01:49 sell 119 22.80 1.3984 1.4136 1.3934
238 2009.06.11 03:09 close 119 22.80 1.3978 1.4136 1.3934 1368.00 95035.44
239 2009.06.12 00:45 buy 120 22.95 1.4094 1.3942 1.4144
240 2009.06.12 01:21 close 120 22.95 1.4104 1.3942 1.4144 2295.00 97330.44
241 2009.06.12 01:58 sell 121 23.47 1.4113 1.4172 1.4063
242 2009.06.12 03:27 close 121 23.47 1.4112 1.4172 1.4063 234.70 97565.14
243 2009.06.16 01:23 buy 122 24.11 1.3775 1.3743 1.3825
244 2009.06.16 01:26 close 122 24.11 1.3785 1.3743 1.3825 2411.00 99976.14
245 2009.06.19 01:07 sell 123 24.45 1.3916 1.4001 1.3866
246 2009.06.19 01:21 close 123 24.45 1.3906 1.4001 1.3866 2445.00 102421.14
247 2009.06.25 01:41 sell 124 25.00 1.3941 1.4093 1.3891
248 2009.06.25 05:29 close 124 25.00 1.3940 1.4093 1.3891 250.00 102671.14
249 2009.07.02 01:28 buy 125 24.72 1.4136 1.4000 1.4186
250 2009.07.02 02:25 close 125 24.72 1.4146 1.4000 1.4186 2472.00 105143.14

Comments on Forex MegaDroid Backtest Results for 2009 Leave a Comment

January 16, 2010

colbert @ 6:18 am #

thanks for this info. very good. I will also try my own TF1 backtest on megadroid later.

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