AlgoTrader Announce a New Open Source Algorithmic Trading Platform
AlgoTrader today announced a new open source algorithmic trading platform. AlgoTrader is an automated trading system that can trade any type of security on any market available through Interactive Brokers and/or the FIX protocol (real soon now!). All aspects of trading such as obtaining market data, analyzing prices, taking trade decisions, placing orders & tracking executions can be automated. The new platform uses the Esper complex event processing engine, and is based on Java SE 6.0, Spring, and a Model Driven Architecture.
An initial version of AlgoTrader is now available Open Source at
Features of the system include:
- Automates trading strategies based on trading rules (using Esper EPL)
- Automated execution via different broker interfaces
- Backtesting and simulation of trading strategies based on historical data
- Portfolio tracking & performance measurement
In the interests of transparency I should point out that I'm a member of the AlgoTrader development team. If you are interested in contributing to the project too then please get in touch.
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Comments on AlgoTrader Announce a New Open Source Algorithmic Trading Platform
I trade via Ninja Trader, can this program apply or is there a version in the works?
Hi RB,
AlgoTrader is 100% Java, so it's not obviously a good fit for NinjaTrader and C#. How were you hoping that the two might be able to work together?
AlgoTrader is now available as a commercial product (with Support, Professional Services, etc.):
The AlgoTrader Enterprise Edition now has many new Features including:
– 3 different GUI's
– Different Broker Interfaces (Native and Fix)
– Support for custom Derivative Spreads
– Several built-in Execution Algorithms
– Support for wide array of security types and asset classes
– Multi-Account Functionality & & Multi-Module Strategies
– Automated Forex Hedging & Options Pricing Engine
– and much more…
The system is still heavily based on Open Source Technologies like Hibernate, Spring, ActiveMQ & AndroMDA. Full Documentation is available:
Also, AlgoTrader is still based on Complex Event Processing (CEP) using Esper and therefore accommodates strategies that cannot be programed with procedural programming languages.